Do joint tenancies provide a means to avoid forced heirship claims in cross-border succession cases?

Introduction Whether a family home or a second home, it is not uncommon for non-UK domiciled individuals to co-own UK property with, for example, their spouse. Where such property is co-owned as joint tenants, a potential issue may arise where the right of survivorship (which provides for the property to pass automatically to the [...]

By |2024-01-05T12:02:14+01:00January 5th, 2024|International Succ., world successions|0 Comments

Foreign assets and testamentary heirs

Succession cases throughout the world share one thing in common: the principle that heirs can be appointed by will. Domestic succession laws can, however, place limitations on the testator's power, such as the concept of 'reserved shares'. In some cases, however, it is not easy to determine whether testamentary heirs should receive the entire [...]

By |2024-03-12T22:19:50+01:00January 5th, 2024|inherit, International Succ.|0 Comments
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